[Home-Program 2024]
Libraries as spaces for digital transformation and community wellbeing
May 29th 2024 – Sforza Castle, Milan
9.00 – 9.30 | Reception
Welcome space and registration
Chairman: Matei Stanciugelu
9.30 – 10.00 | Portico dell’Elefante
Welcome coffee
10.00 – 10.30 | Sala Viscontea
Opening remarks
Tommaso Sacchi, Councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Milan
Laura Ballestra, President of the Italian Library Association
10.30 – 11.15 | Sala Viscontea
Keynote speaker: Jill Bourne
City Librarian and Director of Libraries, San José, California(US)

For current generations of librarians, the essential role of safeguarding knowledge and access has been impacted by multiple technological revolutions. Technological advancements are wondrous, but often exclude the most vulnerable residents in society, as innovation edges out older generations and low-income households, AI threatens to replace many service industry employment options, and social media presents a version of truth with no commitment to accuracy or privacy. In this landscape, libraries are uniquely able to understand and authentically connect to their communities, and this embodiment of integrity and public trust has immense value. In San José, known as the “Capitol of Silicon Valley,” this trusted role shaped the City’s Digital Equity and Empowerment Strategy, with the Library leading local, regional, statewide, and national policy development.
11.15 – 11.45 | Sala Viscontea
Valeria Abdal
Co-Founder of “Children of Heroes” Charity Fund

Main topics:
- Strategic long-term assistance to children who lost one or both parents during the war in Ukraine.
- How the fund functions: mission & vision, team.
- Individual approach to work with affected families.
- Overview of our supporting programs.
- Types of support needed.
- Successful and life-changing stories in the lives of children of the Fund.
- Building the fund’s reputation and attracting partnerships.
11.45 – 12.00 Break
12.00 – 13.15
Panels / Ignite talks + Q&A
13.15 – 13.30 | Sala Viscontea
Speech by BBF
Ciro Lunardi
Bespoke Library Environments
Speech by DM Cultura
Roberta Capozucca, Solution Designer, DM Cultura
The digital transformation, what can we do together. The role of DM Cultura in fostering the digital transition across european cultural institutes
13.30 – 14.30 Light lunch
14.30 – 16.00
Parallel workshops
1_Workshop “What are our library leaders thinking about the future?” | Sala Viscontea
In a direct live connection with the Dutch Annual Library Innovation conference there is direct international discussion on important foresights world wide on our library future…
Speakers: Erik Boekesteijn, Senior Advisor, National Library of the Netherlands and Member, Storyhouse Board of Directors, and David Lankes, Virginia & Charles Bowden Professor of Librarianship, University of Texas at Austin, School of Information

What are our library leaders thinking about the future? Erik Boekesteijn interviewed many library leaders from around the world and put them together in one documentary video. David Lankes and Erik share their words and insights while facilitating discussion. Get ideas and inspiration from interviews shared by our worldwide travelers and amazing storytellers along with wonderful, forward-thinking library leaders including Lidewij Edelkoort, Trend forecaster, publisher, humanitarian, design educator and exhibition curator; Charlotte Grün, Ontwerper, (design) researcher en Creatief Strateeg Studio; Gene Tan, Chief Librarian & Chief Innovation Officer, National Library Board, Singapore; Sandra Hirsh, Associate Dean, Academics College of Professional and Global Education, San Jose State University; Jane Cowell, President Australian Library and Information Association; Nick Poole, Chief Executive of CILIP, UK.
2_Workshop on active citizenship |Sala dei Pilastri
Mike Waldron, Consultant International Active Citizenship

Mike is a well practiced international facilitator and programme designer with over thirty years experience in working with communities, especially young leaders to develop their capacity to become proactive change makers. In this workshop Mike will lead some dynamic and hopefully fun activities, to hear stories, share experiences and draw out ideas for how libraries can serve as spaces for dialogue and participation, and how small groups of people, convened in active citizenship, can lead by example in catalysing change in the their wider communities.
16.00 – 16.15 Break
16.15 – 17.30
Panels / Ignite talks + Q&A
17.30 – 18.00 | Sala Viscontea
Roundtable discussion with Camelia Crisan, Progress Foundation CEO
Library services: from financial literacy to…what is, in fact, the last frontier?
Financial literacy is more than just a buzzword: it’s a critical skill that impacts every aspect of our lives. From budgeting and saving to investing and managing debt, understanding financial concepts can empower individuals to make informed decisions and secure their financial future. The debate will explore various perspectives on the role of financial education in today’s world, its benefits, and the challenges for libraries associated with it.
From a project by the Progress Foundation the panel will share insights and engage in a thought-provoking discussion.
18.00 – 18.15 | Sala Viscontea
Final wrap up
occupy library activities 2024
Click the button to discover the program of activities for the days of 28 and 30 May.